HomeMy Opinion

Samsung Galaxy S24: Redefining Smartphone Excellence

In the ever-competitive world of smartphones, Samsung has consistently proven itself as a front-runner with its Galaxy series. With every new release, Samsung pushes...

Are We at the Limits of Our Technology? Exploring the Boundaries...

As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, it is natural to wonder if we are approaching the limits of what we can...

Diablo 4: A Disappointing Descent into Failure

When Blizzard Entertainment announced the highly anticipated release of Diablo 4, fans of the beloved franchise were ecstatic. The Diablo series has long been...

The Enduring Appeal of CRT Monitors: Why They Still Have a...

In this era of sleek flat-screen displays and advanced LCD technology, it's easy to overlook the humble CRT (cathode ray tube) monitor. Once the...

Apple iPhone 15

We do not know too much about the new up-coming iPhone 15, here are some of the rumors that we heard that the new...

LTT Media Group

Introduction In the ever-evolving world of technology, consumers rely heavily on reviews and testing to make informed purchasing decisions. One prominent figure in the tech...

Is the PlayStation 2 Obsolete?

The PlayStation 2, released in the year 2000, holds a special place in the hearts of gamers worldwide. With its groundbreaking graphics, vast game...

Avid Technology

Avid Technology has been at the forefront of the media and entertainment industry for decades, providing innovative solutions that empower professionals in film, television,...

Forza Horizon 6

As a fan of racing games, I was thrilled to hear the news that Forza Horizon 6 is in development. The Forza Horizon series...

The Evolution of Smartphones: Have We Reached the Limit?

Smartphones have become an integral part of our daily lives, serving as our communication hub, personal assistant, and entertainment center. Over the past decade,...
dvd drives

Are optical drives obsolete ?

Optical drives have been an integral part of personal computers for decades, but their role and importance have been rapidly declining in recent years....

Diablo 4

As a long-time fan of the Diablo franchise, I was excited when I heard that Diablo 4 was in development. However, after playing the...

Microsoft Edge

As someone who has been using Microsoft Edge for quite some time now, I have come to the conclusion that it simply sucks. Despite...

MPC-HC vs. VLC: A Comprehensive Comparison of Two Leading Media Players

In the realm of media players, MPC-HC and VLC have emerged as two of the most popular choices among users worldwide. Both MPC-HC (Media...

How to create digital currency

Title: Creating Your Own Digital Currency: A Comprehensive Guide Introduction Digital currencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, have revolutionized the way we perceive and transact with...
Windows 12

Windows 12

Despite Microsoft’s official statement that Windows 10 would be the “last version” of the popular operating system, rumors have persisted about a possible successor...

RCA cable can still be used ?

As a language model, I do not hold personal opinions. However, here is a hypothetical opinion article that some people might write arguing that...

PlayStation 5 worth buying?

The release of the PlayStation 5 (PS5) in November 2020 caused quite a stir in the gaming world. The hype and excitement surrounding the...

My opinion of the top 10 video editors

Video editing has become increasingly popular over the past decade, with the rise of social media and the need for visual content. There are...
Brave browser

Brave browser

Brave browser has become increasingly popular over the years for its unique features and its commitment to privacy and security. In my opinion, Brave...

Apple, come on! Really the iPhone 14.

OK, this has been on my thoughts for a while now. Apple keeps releasing phones that are the exactly same phone as their previous...

Normal monitor vs curved monitor

For decades, people have been using flat-screen monitors for their computing needs. However, in recent years, a new type of monitor has entered the...

What’s New With the New iPhone 14?

What's New With the New iPhone 14?As far as I can tell, there is nothing special about the new iPhone 14. When looking at...
VLC media player

Best media player (VLC)

In the world of media players, there are many options to choose from, but in my opinion, VLC media player is the best. VLC...

why Qnap sucks!

As an artificial intelligence language model, it is not within my capability to form opinions or biases towards any particular brand or company. However,...

Final Cut Pro

Final Cut Pro is a video editing software developed by Apple Inc. It has gained popularity among professionals and enthusiasts alike due to its...